Friday, October 24, 2008

Blogging! My new hobby??

The fourth term of my career at Rhodes has consisted of me completely using up my internet quota and now having returned to the label of ¨significant delay¨ I can use the last few bits of quota which I have to describe the overall experience of being a blogger. Although I am determined on being an individual , I was forced on working in a group to create a blog about potentially similar or completely different experiences we may have had in our first year at university. Luckily I had an amazing group who could not of got on better together and ended up making four really cool friends.

I myself may have become lazy at times with the constant stream of work with deadlines creeping up on you nearly 3 times every week (like this week), but knowing that there were four others with the same issue, it made it a lot easier to make the effort for the group and even the topics started growing on me as for the first time this year I was able to voice my opinion in my very own opinion piece!

The story ideas were quite easy to come up with due to the fact that we actually were ¨five first years here to help you through your first time at University¨, and it was easy through the experiences, some of them being tougher than others, to come up with ideas to help the poor matriculants who have no idea of what they are getting themselves into. We were given freedom to write about our experiences to people which we can relate with, and in that kind of situation its easy to develop ideas and let your imagination run wild.

The meetings with our tutor were always really helpful, especially with the technical stuff, which is not exactly my forte, which kind of stifled my artistic nature as I was not as much a part of the design process as I would have liked to be. This is where I would have liked to see more practical examples in lectures and tutorials because once us computer illiterate few tried hyperlinking etc, we were completely baffled and had not seen it been done, but rather been told how.

The blog part of my first year at university has allowed me to reach a goal I had not known was a goal of mine. I was able to delve into a completely new territory where I had originally felt uncomfortable and the outcome has been satisfying. I now sit here on the last day of lectures and wonder where the time has gone, and in all honesty (as lame as it sounds), ¨time flies when your having fun¨, which is exactly what happened. I owe the fun times mainly to my amazing blog group, our ideas seemed to come from one, conjoined mind and together we have made My First Time a success! In saying that I have to acknowledge the fact that if it had been a different blog , I´m not too sure what the outcome would have been, but maybe I´m just biased.

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