Thursday, October 9, 2008

First Year Spread...

We have all heard of it at sometime, that almost inexplicable tightening of clothes brought on by one too many late night King Pie‘s. Many diets are being replaced by “liquid diets” and I am not talking about fruit smoothies either. Introducing the “beer-boep”, that anomaly of human physiology. A fairly common trait amongst South African men. It is almost as common as a Saturday morning hangover.
Now let’s be honest a boerie roll outside the Rat at midnight after a few too many beers goes down about as quickly as a Russian prostitute. For most first years that have come directly from home or boarding school food is provided three times a day and packed with all the protein, vitamins and carbohydrates needed to be healthy. In addition to that most people are involved in some form of sport at school which keeps the fitness levels up. Now suddenly that is not the case. Shock and horror sets in, you are alone now, fatty!
If you want my advice on sports to keep your fitness levels up, I highly reccommend base jumping, bullfighting and swimming with Tiger Sharks when the water has been chummed.
P.S. With summer coming, drink more Captain Morgan. Mosquitoes hate it, not sure why?
See you later

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